Diversi Foods | Customer Portal & Automation

Diversi Foods faced the challenge of being able to put all legally required information in different languages on the labels of their packaging.

Diversi Foods | Customer Portal & Automation

Problem situation & objective

The main objective of Diversi Foods, to offer their bakery products all over Europe, has some complexities. For example, the information on the labels of their boxes has to be translated into no less than 18 (!) languages in order to appeal to all potential customers. After all, the company must always provide its customers with a large amount of product information and . Not difficult enough yet? Well, the third challenge was the lack of space on the labels.

Impact on customer experience

So how did our Digital Comfort Providers ensure that Diversi Foods could maintain its customer-friendly character? After all, the company's concerns are well-founded. Companies must increasingly respond to the needs of customers, who have more and more options in their search for the best product or service model. Customer excellence is therefore the factor to be combative in the many digitally disruptive markets of rapid technological innovation and new business models.

Customer Profile: Diversi Foods

Diversi Foods, founded in 1989, is a family business of entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, the company, which was taken over by the Martin Braun-Gruppe in 2018, has more than 1,500 employees and 7 production sites in 5 European countries, forms together with sister company Wolf ButterBack one of the larger international players in frozen bakery products, with a wide range of quality bread, savory snacks and viennoiserie.

Creating digital comfort

ProcessDelight, as an expert in the automation of administrative processes, guided and built a solution tailored to the internal & external users of the Diversi Foods platform. The external basis of the solution amounted to a QR code on the label. After Diversi Foods employees added all data on available products to a SharePoint Portal, these documents are automatically translated into 18 different languages. Then the translated data goes through an automated approval process, allowing consumers to retrieve, access and download information on an external portal in the desired language. 

A dual success

The success of this use case, as postulated, is twofold. First, there is the consumer who now has the most up-to-date information about the product of his choice at any time. In addition, he can also access this information in the language of his choice. One scan of the QR code and hup, all the ingredients, allergens, etc. about the desired product can be consulted. Thus, a user-friendly customer portal.

On the other hand, the internal sense of digital comfort is also enhanced by this automation. By automating the approval process, the conversion of labels into QR codes and the additional translation of data, Diversi Foods employees experience an enormous gain in time that can be used for tasks that really require their attention. In this way, the digital wellbeing of employees, who can develop themselves according to their ambitions and do less manual work, is also improved.