Proximus - Interview with Mr. Bernard Raquet, Director Network IT.

Proximus engaged ProcessDelight to build a crucial application, namely the rollout of the fiber optic network. The application was named LST, which stands for Location Survey Tool. The application will be used by employees in the field from the very beginning, more specifically from the rollout of the fiber optic construction process. The ultimate goal is to record the correct data regarding the addresses and buildings.

Proximus - Interview with Mr. Bernard Raquet, Director Network IT.

Find out how the collaboration went in an interview with Bernard Raquet, Director Network IT at Proximus, below.

Already more than 400,000 installations ahead of fiber network rollout in 2022."
- Bernard Raquet

Complexity of the project

In recent years, Proximus experienced exponential volume growth. In 2022 alone, Proximus did some 400,000 installations for the rollout of the fiber optic network. For this, they are currently working with 4 construction partners.

The rollout of the glass fiber went hand in hand with another complex process within Proximus. After all, address management also had to be switched to another reference system. Proximus combined the transformation of that new system with the introduction of the new Survey App.

Added to this was the End-to-End integration of all systems within Proximus and at the partners. A very complex and difficult matter to assess at the start of the project .

Finally, there was also the number of players within the ecosystem. For example, in addition to Proximus and ProcessDelight, construction partners were also involved. At some point, every stakeholder had to switch to the new Survey App, a critical moment because of the scale and complexity of the transformation. Moreover, this transformation occurred at a time when the operational rollout was also experiencing exponential growth.